We don't seem to be as busy in the last few weeks like we were in the first quarter of the year. All that is about to end and we're going back to busy starting next week. Chuck is traveling like crazy in the next several months. The most exciting part is that he's going to Poland for an assignment and so are the rest of us! We'll get to visit Poland and Germany and we'll see where the rest of our trip take us! In July, we'll be taking the kids back to the beach in San Diego. I'm planning on visiting my mom this summer and Chuck has a smattering of trips before he leaves for Poland.
The kids have been preparing for their placement test for the new school they will be attending in the Fall. They will be changing to Basis Middle and Basis High School this next year. Basis Middle school starts at 5th grade and goes through 7th grade. Basis High school starts at 8th grade and obviously continues to 12th.
They have placement exams and have been working on their math skills to make sure they will be able to keep up at the new school. All is looking well in that area.
The kids started their AIMS test at school last week. Nathan is finished and Kinzi has one more day of it on Monday. They added science testing to 4th and 8th grades this year so those kids have an extra day.
The bar is coming along nicely and as soon as it's done we'll post pictures. We have glass shelving up and the glass doors to the upper cabinets just arrived. They will have F-16's on them....they are very cool.
Here are some pictures of the kids swimming. Mackinzi is hanging out with a friend from her school.

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