Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's

I can't believe this year has come to an end. This has been one of our busiest years ever. If you didn't receive the Blank Chronicles family newsletter leave me a message on the side. If you did received it I apologize about the terrible quality of the first page. My printer had some issues with the color print. Epson spent 3 hours today here trying to fix it. They have replaced 6 major parts and it still is not working correctly. We are waiting for a new logic board and a little motor for one of the parts. They have been great though, nice and responsive, but it's just not working right.

I've just updated the web site with a new header and new fun things on the sidebar. I hope you like it. We won't be doing anything spectacular this New Years except hanging out. My mom was here for Christmas and it was nice to have her around. I'm scrapbooking my Christmas pictures and I'm almost done. Mackinzi has crossed her eyes in most pictures so many of them are just silly! I'll post them as soon as they are complete....crossed eyes and all!

The kids had a great Christmas. Nathan received Leggo's Mindstorm, video games, Solidworks, a bow and arrow and a BB Gun. Machinzi received an electric scooter, easel, video games, a bow and arrow and a BB Gun too. Dad got lots of tools and video games for his hobbies and I got a super cool HD Digital Camcorder. Oh and yes, we do buy for the dog....Scruffy got lots and lots of chewy bones and stuff toys! Santa was very nice this year.....

The kids are on vacation one more week and then it back to school.

Happy New Year!

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