Saturday, April 26, 2008


While Chuck is sitting alert today I'm going crazy scrapbooking. I've scraped the same picture two different ways. This picture of Kinzi has been in a frame all over our's just one of my favorites around the time she was 2. Vote in my poll (on right side of blog) on which one you like better.

Sample 1

Credits: Paper/Elements by Kay Miller Designs, "Simple Pleasures" kit

Sample 2

Credits: Template 72 by Mrs. Wresh, Paper/Elements by Zoe Pearn, "Lush Blooms" kit

I'll go with the vote but you'll see the other one with a different picture before long, hahaha!

New Scrapbooking Page

It's been forever since I made a scrapbook page. I just love the way this page turned out. It's so simple but so pretty.

Credits: Template by Kimberly Lund, Paper/Elements by Misty Cato, "A Place Called Home" Kit.

Dogsitting this weekend

Just thought I'd write a few more updates. We're dogsitting this'll see a picture of Remy below. My best friend is going to Las Cruces for the weekend so I have her dog. In the first hour, I lost control of Remy not once but twice....thought I'd have a heart attack. She's been to my house lots of time so when I got her out of the car, after I picked her up, it didn't occur to me that she would decide to "haul ass" down the street. Get this running 25 running 3 mph in my beaded flip flops....Kinzi passing me running 5 ignoring all pleas and me panicking....never fear....she stopped and I got control of her....well actually...I had Kinzi run her back to the house. She jumped back in the van and then wouldn't get out!!!!! I had to go get Scruffy to coax her out of the car....then the world was fine! Well, actually the world was fine until Chuck got home....he came in quickly, changed and left to go hit some golf balls. Only problem with that scenario is that he didn't shut the front door good. After I while I walked past it....wide open....and you guessed it.....NO REMY!!!!!! I died right can I possibly lose my best friends dog one once but TWICE in the first hour of me taking care of her!!!! Anyway, after a few shouts and panicked running around, I spotted her and she came right to me, thank goodness.

We went to the Gaslight Theatre last night with Remy's mom and dad (Diane and Tim and their kids) before they headed out of town this morning. I had to fess up because the kids would have ratted me out....but we're all safe and sound now. The theatre was doing a spoof on Indiana Jones....called Arizona Smith and the Relic of was hysterical. It's now one of our top two favorite show they have put on.'s a picture of Remy and another picture of Scruffy. Scruffy always shuts his eyes when the flash goes off so I hardly ever get good pictures of him.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Spring Cleaning

We've been doing some spring cleaning of our our 90 degree heat! Well actually, we hired someone to spring clean because it was way over grown and sometimes here the labor is very inexpensive. It's looking beautiful again just like when we had it landscaped. We've nixed the garden and are now planting permanent desert friendly plants. I fought the grass and the grass beat my ass!

I've recently added a tab on the upper right part of my blog. It says ...Subscribe to my blog. If you want to automatically get my blog entry in your email the day after I enter it ....subscribe or you can still come here to check it out. To subscribe, just enter your email address. Feedblitz will send you an must complete the next step. You have to verify that you want to subscribe by clicking on a link that is in the email it sends to you....don't worry it walks you through it. It's simple! Chuck, my kids and my mom were my practice subjects and they haven't seem to have any problems.

What's a blog entry without pictures, right? I've added some below just of our was looking pretty bad but it's pretty again.

Here's Scruffy unhappy that I didn't let him out to help me take pictures!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Budweiser Clydesdales Visited Us

We got a big treat here in Sahuarita today. The Budweiser Clydesdales were brought to our local Fry's (a grocery store) for a Budweiser event. They are truly beautiful creatures.....and big! Do you remember the Superbowl commercial of "Hank" who wanted to become a member of this years Budweiser Clydesdale hitch team? Remember he didn't make it but ended up being trained by the Dalmation so he could be in shape the next year. If not, click here. They told us that during that commercial about eight horses were actually used as "Hank". The one pulling the actual Parker. I'll point him out later on and the guy that welcomed him to the team was one of the guys here showing the horses! Actually, it's the man in the first picture.

These are the lead horses and the guy watching them was in the superbowl commerical too!

Mackinzi in front of Parker.

Parker is sticking out his tongue! Apparently, he's a bit of a trouble maker! He was biting the reins a lot too!

Of course, the dalmation. He's extremely affectionate!

Driving the horses! Kinzi took this picture!

These are the clydesdales traveling accomodations!

Just a close look.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Test posting

This is a test to check on my subscriber link.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Catching up with the Blank's

We don't seem to be as busy in the last few weeks like we were in the first quarter of the year. All that is about to end and we're going back to busy starting next week. Chuck is traveling like crazy in the next several months. The most exciting part is that he's going to Poland for an assignment and so are the rest of us! We'll get to visit Poland and Germany and we'll see where the rest of our trip take us! In July, we'll be taking the kids back to the beach in San Diego. I'm planning on visiting my mom this summer and Chuck has a smattering of trips before he leaves for Poland.

The kids have been preparing for their placement test for the new school they will be attending in the Fall. They will be changing to Basis Middle and Basis High School this next year. Basis Middle school starts at 5th grade and goes through 7th grade. Basis High school starts at 8th grade and obviously continues to 12th.

They have placement exams and have been working on their math skills to make sure they will be able to keep up at the new school. All is looking well in that area.

The kids started their AIMS test at school last week. Nathan is finished and Kinzi has one more day of it on Monday. They added science testing to 4th and 8th grades this year so those kids have an extra day.

The bar is coming along nicely and as soon as it's done we'll post pictures. We have glass shelving up and the glass doors to the upper cabinets just arrived. They will have F-16's on them....they are very cool.

Here are some pictures of the kids swimming. Mackinzi is hanging out with a friend from her school.

This whole section is call a post. Right below these final sentences you'll see a smattering of information. Click on the work "comments" and you can leave a message. I took the Cbox down on the side bar because it wasn't showing me all the comments. After you click on comments, a new page will come up. write your comments, click on the bullet that says Name/URL and just enter your name (you don't have to put anything in the URL entry, then press publish comment (I think that's what it says) and! I'll see your comments. Let me know if you run into trouble.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pencil Sketch

Not only did I learn to do comic effects....I found the sketch effect as well....I really like these. Same base picture...multiple effects!

Comic Strip Kids

I've been playing around Photoshop today. I found instructions online to make pictures look like they are comic strips! Nathan thinks they look cool!