Friday, April 25, 2008

Spring Cleaning

We've been doing some spring cleaning of our our 90 degree heat! Well actually, we hired someone to spring clean because it was way over grown and sometimes here the labor is very inexpensive. It's looking beautiful again just like when we had it landscaped. We've nixed the garden and are now planting permanent desert friendly plants. I fought the grass and the grass beat my ass!

I've recently added a tab on the upper right part of my blog. It says ...Subscribe to my blog. If you want to automatically get my blog entry in your email the day after I enter it ....subscribe or you can still come here to check it out. To subscribe, just enter your email address. Feedblitz will send you an must complete the next step. You have to verify that you want to subscribe by clicking on a link that is in the email it sends to you....don't worry it walks you through it. It's simple! Chuck, my kids and my mom were my practice subjects and they haven't seem to have any problems.

What's a blog entry without pictures, right? I've added some below just of our was looking pretty bad but it's pretty again.

Here's Scruffy unhappy that I didn't let him out to help me take pictures!

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