Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dogsitting this weekend

Just thought I'd write a few more updates. We're dogsitting this'll see a picture of Remy below. My best friend is going to Las Cruces for the weekend so I have her dog. In the first hour, I lost control of Remy not once but twice....thought I'd have a heart attack. She's been to my house lots of time so when I got her out of the car, after I picked her up, it didn't occur to me that she would decide to "haul ass" down the street. Get this running 25 running 3 mph in my beaded flip flops....Kinzi passing me running 5 ignoring all pleas and me panicking....never fear....she stopped and I got control of her....well actually...I had Kinzi run her back to the house. She jumped back in the van and then wouldn't get out!!!!! I had to go get Scruffy to coax her out of the car....then the world was fine! Well, actually the world was fine until Chuck got home....he came in quickly, changed and left to go hit some golf balls. Only problem with that scenario is that he didn't shut the front door good. After I while I walked past it....wide open....and you guessed it.....NO REMY!!!!!! I died right can I possibly lose my best friends dog one once but TWICE in the first hour of me taking care of her!!!! Anyway, after a few shouts and panicked running around, I spotted her and she came right to me, thank goodness.

We went to the Gaslight Theatre last night with Remy's mom and dad (Diane and Tim and their kids) before they headed out of town this morning. I had to fess up because the kids would have ratted me out....but we're all safe and sound now. The theatre was doing a spoof on Indiana Jones....called Arizona Smith and the Relic of was hysterical. It's now one of our top two favorite show they have put on.'s a picture of Remy and another picture of Scruffy. Scruffy always shuts his eyes when the flash goes off so I hardly ever get good pictures of him.

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