Thursday, July 3, 2008

Adjusting to being home

Well...we've been home just over a week now and well it's bloody hot here!!!! We are waiting for the monsoons to arrive. We've had a little rain but not much.

The day after we got home, I ended up with a miserable sore throat, cold and cough for about 7 days....I'm on the mend now. Nathan however is not, he came down with it two days ago and feels miserable.

Nathan started "kid" sitting two boys across the street this week. They are twins who are going to be in 2nd grade. Nathan enjoys earning money now, hehehe!

My kids have been hugging their computers since we've been home. One of their favorite things to do now is make videos for Youtube. Nathan makes Youtube Poop videos...let me explain what that is a random remix of cartoons...put together to make some random doesn't always make sense....and it's not necessairly suppose to but generally they're funny.....certainly if your in your early teens they're funny. Kinzi does some Youtube Poop ones but found some tools she can use and now she upload her drawings...they are very cool.

If you are getting this via a newsletter you'll have to go to my actual site to play the videos. These are my kids current favorites they have uploaded. They've uploaded many....

Here's Kinzi video:

Here's Nathan's video:

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