Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last week of school.....yeah!

Yeah! I'm on a new roll, at least two weeks in a row. First, my family is ecstatic because this is our last week of school!! They get out a 1:00 every day this week!

I thought I'd show you a picture of Chuck's Frankenstein Foot....bless his's just always going to look funny. The iphone photo was taken at the doctor's office moments after them taking off his cast. He has 30 staples in that foot. It was so swollen that you couldn't even see his ankle nubs. He's much happier now that the plaster cast is off and he is in a walking cast/boot. He will have physical therapy this time.

As I mentioned above this is the kids last week of school. Nathan finished his comprehensive exams on Thursday. Next year Kinzi will take comprehensives as well. Their last 6 days of school are just fun projects. Nathan signed up for an engineering project. Below he is making a bridge. The teacher gave them each 6 1-ft long sticks, a box of match sticks, nylon cord, glue gun, tape, mesh and sandpaper and told them to go build a bridge. This is the beginning of Nathan's bridge.

While 6 - 12th grade are taking comprehensive exams, the 5th graders went on a couple of field trips. They went to Colossal Cave and a ranch this day. Kinzi is sluicing for minerals.

This was at the ranch, I thought it was kind of funny.

A month and a half or so ago Mackinzi competed in Latin competition at the Uof A. She won the top award in her category. She recited a story....much like Romeo and Juliet....but in Latin. These are kids from our school.

Kinzi attended her 2nd Irish dancing competition this weekend. The competition is called a Feis (pronounced a feeeesh). The next two pictures are from today's competition. She won 1 5th place medal, 3 4th place medals and a 2nd place medal. She was thrilled. It is a huge competition. There are tons of girls competing. We didn't know how popular it was but we sure know now!

The last photos are from Mackinzi class feis two weeks ago. She won 3rd place twice and honorable mention once.

Darren runs the dance academy. It was the first time any of these girls competed in a feis.

Most of the dance academy where she attend class.....see if you can find her....look in the middle.
Big hint!

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