Sunday, May 24, 2009

Out of school for the summer

Latest scrapbook page! I did a tutorial from Vinnie her!

Credits: Vinnie Pearce walkthrough, Papers and Elements from Vinnie Pearce and Viva Artistry

Woohoo! The kids are out of school for the summer! They did fantastic on their last report cards. Kinzi made 90's club all 5 grading periods and Nathan did absolutely fantastic on all his comprehensive test and final grades! We are crazy proud of these kiddos!

Our current news is that Scruffy has been sick. He came down with some serious ear infections a week ago and had to have a bit of surgery. So he's had surgery for that and is on antibiotics. Scruffy has also had just about 1 seizure per month for the last six months. They felt it was time to put him on seizure medicine. The blood work also shows that his kidneys were having some problem and his calcium levels were crazy high. So now he is on a special kidney food diet. He now has an account at our regular pharmacy.

We went to the Gaslight theatre this weekend and saw Harley's Angels. It was quite good. We go to the theatre about 5 times a years with my best friend Diane and her family.

Chuck's foot is mending well. He's in physical therapy...thank goodness....maybe he'll have more function this time around.

Kinzi bought a mini hamster with her A money and he's adorable. She named him Bibbles.

Not much else going on...

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