Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 8 - Poznan

Here we are on day 8. We are now making ourselves get up and get out of the hotel. This morning we headed to the National Museum of Poland. Since we are not big museum buffs, we only spent a couple of hours before we were done. We enjoyed the art but I would prefer to take them to the MOMA in NYC.

After the museum, we ventured off into The Old Market Square.

The first picture is of the town hall. Tons of tourist and apparently school children come at noon every day to watch the two goats come out and ram heads.

The children and the town get very excited and they count the 12 times they bash head. Kinzi was very disappoint to learn they weren"t real.....she thought it was cheesy and couldn't understand all the excitement.

The square was very crowded today, they are getting ready to start a big street fair for a couple of weeks. We are looking forward to that next week.

Just another picture of the square.

Here's a picture I forgot to post last time.

We are heading toward Krackow this weekend to see Auchwitz and tour the Salt Mines. I'll start posting again when we get back!!!

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